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The Exceptional Sidekick Service Dogs is forever grateful for your help in the form of both time and money. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit philanthropy organization financially supported by your generous tax-deductible donations; corporation and foundation giving campaign; and bequests or other planned gifts. We need you!

“Unless Someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
~ Dr. Seuss
~ Dr. Seuss
It takes a village to raise these dogs and our village is filled with some very exceptional people. We always need volunteers to lend a hand at our events, fundraisers, and to join our committees. Our Board of Directors is made up completely of volunteers helping to grow our program and promote awareness to the incredible need of psychiatric service dogs in our community. Please consider joining us in making a difference in small and big ways every single day. [learn more…]
Puppy Raise
Our puppy raisers are our most important volunteers. They have committed to open their hearts and homes to our puppies and help nurture and prepare them to become amazing service dogs. Puppy raising has to be one of the most selfless acts of volunteerism, and we are forever in debt to these fantastic people. There are many kids who need help, and we need more generous, caring people to raise our dogs. If you know anyone who is interested, please inform them about our program and encourage them to contact us today. [learn more…]
Financial Support
There are many ways to offer your financial support. Frequent flyer miles, appreciated assets, corporate matching, personal donations, Amazon Smile, gift cards for supplies, or to a local establishment for a training outing. [learn more…]
Legacy Planned Giving
Gifts of this nature secure the future of our mission. You can leave a legacy that will transform the lives of so many, regardless of your income. [learn more…]